How do Credit Card Payments Work

Credit cards have become essential to our lives, allowing us to make purchases quickly and easily. But have you ever wondered how credit card payments actually work? Our infographic on “How Do Credit Card Payments Work?” provides a clear and concise explanation of the authorisation and settlement process, interest calculation, and payment options. The Customer […]
Card Payments for Small Businesses: Everything You Need to Know

Are you a small business owner wondering whether or not to start accepting card payments? With the rise of cashless payments, it’s becoming increasingly crucial for businesses of all sizes to accept card payments. Findings from the UK Finance report “UK Payment Markets 2022”: Debit cards were the most used payment method, with 19.5 billion […]
10 Tips for choosing a Restaurant Payment Processor

When running a restaurant, choosing the right payment processor is crucial. A payment processor is responsible for handling transactions between your restaurant and your customers, so choosing a reliable and secure payment gateway is essential. In this article, we’ll provide tips on choosing a suitable payment processor for your restaurant. Choosing the right payment processor […]
Card Machines vs Card Readers: Know the Difference

Card machines and card readers have become integral to our daily lives. Both devices are used for processing credit and debit card payments at point-of-sale. This article will dive into the differences between card machines and card readers and help you understand which device best suits your needs. Card Machines A card machine is a […]
What is a PDQ Machine? | Everything You Need to Know

PDQ stands for “Process Data Quickly”. It refers to the card machine merchants use to process card payments easily, like the small terminal your hairdresser, shopkeeper, or restaurant hand to you to pay for goods/services. If you’re a business owner looking to streamline your payment processing system, you’re on the hunt for a reliable and […]